1. Centralized Manage

One of the inevitable trend in new retail’s era is that business has become, on the one hand, more and more versatile; and on the other hand, centralized and aggregated. Large business corporations accentuates on accelerating the industry-wise horizontal integration. In this regard, Novotill offers exactly what they desire. For corporate headquarters, Novotill standardizes the operations with multi-location and multi-hierarchy management, so that centralized management can be implemented. Visualized dashboard will also help headquarters to keep a close eye on daily operations in each shop and make decisions accordingly. Able to power both restaurant and pan-retail business, Novotill makes it possible for corporate headquarters to issue All-in-one Membership, via which loyalty points can be earned and redeemed anywhere there is Novotill POS. For example, shopping-malls can issue the mall’s membership, allowing consumers to go from restaurants to cinemas, and motivate consumers to purchase more and increase repeat visits from them.

2. Self-Service Restaurant Kiosk System

Novotill restaurant kiosks give your consumers flexibility in how they order in your restaurants.

  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Order notifications
  • Customized image support
  • Optimize your productivity

3. KDS

Say hello to a paper-less kitchen and a new way to organize kitchen staff. With Novotill KDS system, manual errors can be reduced to the minimum while the kitchen efficiency will be boosted at its best.

  • Multiple screen sizes available – TV, tablet or other Android devices.
  • Aggregate all orders from kiosk.

4. Inventory and Supply Chain

Novotill Supply Chain provides visibility into food and beverage inventory that can help you reduce waste and streamline kitchen operations. Meanwhile, the system can automatically generate purchase orders and links the merchants with suppliers, creating an open platform to offer both merchants and suppliers more business possibilities.The system is also channeled with sales data from the front of house, recording real-time inventory fluctuation and in case the stock reaches below certain limit, intelligent purchase assistance will start to work. Ready to dock with various ERP system, in order to form a complete information flow and capital flow, thus simplifying the operational steps from headquarters and improving efficiency.